Acceptable wastes:
Commercial (c&d )
Industrial (not containing hazardous wastes)
Untreated wood waste
Unacceptable wastes:
Hazardous waste (excepting household hazardous waste)
Liquid waste - latex or oil-based paints in liquid form
Volatile and flammable waste (including oil-based paint, dry cleaning fluids, petroleum products, explosives, etc.)
Friable and non-friable asbestos
C&D containing treated wood or friable asbestos
Appliances containing freon
Drums containing solid or liquid residues
Used oil or used oil filters containing liquid residue
Transformers, capacitors or related liquids or waste potentially containing pcb's
Pesticides - poisons
Large animal carcasses
Medical waste
Petroleum contaminated soil (unless previously approved)
Sludge from wastewater treatment plants, septic tank pumping, or chemical toilet wastes
Electronic devices and equipment
This includes tv's, computers, crt monitors, microwaves, faxes, printers, dvd/vcr, cable or satellite receivers, stereos)
Cannot accept refrigerators unless deactivated by licensed professional and sticker attached to refrigerator.
All loads are subject to random inspections.
Tipping Fees Due at the Gate
The monthly landfill maintenance charges are as follows:
All metered residential users within city limits: $18.00
All metered residential users outside city limits: $20.00
All metered business users within city limits: $20.00
All metered business users outside city limits: $22.00
All landfill customers must pay a tipping fee at the gate. There will be a $6.00 minimum charge for all loads up to 200 lbs, anything over is subject to:
Residential/Commercial Waste: $0.03/lb ($60.00/ton)
Tree limb/Yard Waste: No charge if load is brought in separate from trash. If brought in with trash, loads will be subject to weight rates.
Metal (appliances: washers, dryers, stoves): No charge if load is brought in separate from trash. If brought in with trash, loads will be subject to weight rates.
All Trash must be bagged and secured, or a $10 fine will be assessed. No charge for grass clippings, tree limbs, garden debris.
Click on the following links to see the Landfill Fee Schedule and the Landfill Options
Recycling at Town Hall was moved to Peoples Credit Union. Thank you for continuing to recycle.
Please recycle your paper, glass, aluminum, and cardboard in the bins placed behind Peoples Credit Union on 2nd Avenue.